Class 2 weekly update

I’d just like to say a huge “WELL DONE!” to Class 2 for their performance in Celebration Assembly this morning.

This week in…

English: Red group have been reading the Orange RWI book called ‘Playday’ and answering questions and writing exciting sentences about their book. Blue group have been reading the Green RWI book called ‘The Web’, they have also enjoyed writing interesting sentences about their book. Green and Yellow group have been independently writing this week about our class story Captain Beastlie’s Pirate Party.

Maths: This week the children have been practising counting in twos. We have read the story ‘Noah’s Ark’ and acted out the story in the hall. The children were placed into partners and given an animal to act out, they they counted as a whole class using their counting in two skills.

Science: We had lots of fun in Science this week, luckily it was a lovely, sunny day so we went outside to look at our shadows. We played shadow ‘tag’, drew around each other’s shadows and then made shadow puppets.

History: The children looked at entertainment in the past in our History lesson and watched a Punch and Judy show. We then made our own puppet shows using the wooden spoon puppets we made in a previous lesson and hand puppets.

RE: The children listened to the story of Moses in RE and recognised that he was an important leader for Jews. They then ordered the story and reflected on who they thought was an important leader for them.

Spellings: To be tested on Friday 3rd November.

Spellings 20.10.17

Homework: The children have been given homework for half term. One side of the page is Science homework – the children are to colour in the light sources on their page at night time and day time. The other side of their page is Maths homework – the children are counting in twos and filling in the missing Autumn leaves. Please could homework be returned on Friday 3rd November.

Science and Maths homework 20.10.17

Have a great half term!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 Weekly update

English: In English this week we have continued to read our story books through Read Write Inc (RWI) and also looked in detail at using capital letters for names of people and places. Today the children had the opportunity to independently write about different characters. They were encouraged to use lots of adjectives in their sentences to make their writing interesting.

Maths: We have started subtraction this week and have looked at finding one less than a given number. The children have used lots of equipment to help support them with their taking away. They are getting confident with recording neatly in their maths books on squared paper.

Science: In Science the children learned about how the different seasons affect animals. We looked at robins closely and how they adapt to each season. We also discussed how some animals, such as hedgehogs, hibernate in the winter months and what this means.

History: The children had a fun, practical history lesson yesterday. They looked at a range of different materials and discussed how different toys are made from various materials. They then decided which materials their toys are made from and what they used to be made from in the past. The children then had lots of fun making wooden spoon puppets (photos of these below).

Spellings: Spellings to be tested Friday 13th October. Please be aware that some spellings may be repeated occasionally as I link the spellings with what they have been learning in RWI.

Spellings 6.10.17

Homework: The children are coming home with a piece of Maths homework this week focusing on one more and one less than a given number. Please feel free to write any notes on their homework about the amount of support needed. Homework is due in on Friday 13th October.

Circles/Squares: squares and circles 1 more 1 less homework

Triangles/Cuboids: cuboids and triangles 1 more 1 less homework 

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards


Class 2 Weekly Update

English – In English this week we have been focusing on the sounds s, d, igh and ow. We have continued to learn about the importance of capital letters and full stops in sentences and the children finished the week having a go at writing independently after watching a short video called ‘bubbles’.

Maths – We have continued place value and number recognition this week. The children have represented numbers in a range of different ways and had a go at their first arithmetic test. I was very impressed!

Science – The children made posters about different weathers in Science. They were put into partners and worked together to discuss the clothes they’d wear, activities they would do depending on the weather and how it would make them feel.

History – In History, we shared our findings from talking to older people at home and lots of children enjoyed talking about what they had found out. We then looked at lots of old toys and picked our favourite ones to draw and write descriptive sentences.

Art – Today we enjoyed looking at the artist Piet Mondrian. We then re created a piece of his art and made our own collages using the primary colours red, yellow and blue.

Spellings – Well done to all of the children for completing their first spelling test today and thank you for supporting the children with learning these. You can see their test in the back of their spelling book. New spellings to learn for next Friday are stuck in at the front of their books.

Spellings 15.9.17

Homework – The children have been given a piece of homework today on capital letters to link to our work in class. If they could complete and return this by Friday 22nd September please. On the back of their sheet is an additional piece on full stops. Please start with the capital letters and if you feel your child needs an additional challenge they can complete the work on full stops. Please feel free to write notes on the homework to allow me to see how much support your child needed in completing this.

capital letters and full stops homework

Have a great weekend!

Miss Edwards


First Day Back

We have had a busy first day in Class 2 today! The children have enjoyed sharing their Summer holiday adventures and showed each other what they have collected in their envelopes. If you still wish to bring in any envelopes they will be going on display at the end of the week.

The children were introduced to their new History topic ‘Toys – past and present’. We had a class discussion about our favourite toys and the children had fun painting their favourite toy for a display. I have challenged the children to ask an older person at home what they used to play with when they were younger. We will be starting our lesson (next Thursday), sharing our findings. Any notes or photos to help the children with this would be greatly appreciated. Some children have had fun in our new role play area this afternoon, which is our new Toy Shop outside Class 2.

A curriculum letter has been sent home today, giving an overview of what to expect this term. A copy is attached below.

Curriculum letter autumn 2017

Here are a few photos of their day 🙂

Class 2 Weekly Update

English – English this week we have mostly been revisiting areas already learned. Year one children have recapped on questions, singular and plural and the days of the week. Year 2 have been looking at previous practise reading and SPAG papers and learning how to answer the questions correctly. We have also discussed the importance of reading questions carefully.

Maths – Year 1 children have been using number lines this week to add and take away. They have worked really hard and shown a good understanding of this! Year 2 have looked at 2D and 3D shapes and revisited properties of shape. We have also completed a practise reasoning paper and gone over this together in class – identifying any misconceptions.

Phonics – Year 1 have looked at the alternative spelling of the ‘ow’ phoneme. Year 2 have revised present and past tense.

Geography – We started our new topic ‘Weather Experts’ this week, the children enjoyed identifying the different seasons and talking about weather expected in each season. We also discussed the difference between seasonal weather and daily weather.

Spellings – To be tested Friday 5th May 2017.

28.4.17 spellings

Just a little reminder that it is Bank Holiday Monday and next week I will not be in school as I am on my Forest School course, Mrs Lupton will be present in my absence.

I have returned the SATs Booster books back to Year 2 children today. Please feel free to now work through these at your own pace, completing any pages you wish. We will complete the Year 2 tests, week beginning Monday 15th May.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Edwards


Class 2 weekly update

English: This week we have finished off our instructions unit, we make Chocolate Easter nests and then wrote a set of instructions on how to make them.

Maths: We have had a revision week in maths, year 1 have been revising work on number bonds to 10 and 20 and year 2 have been finding 1/4 and 3/4 of amounts.

Science: We finished our Science topic ‘Materials’ this week looking at different inventions and the materials that are used to make them.

History: To finish our ‘Castles’ topic the children have designed their own personal shields.

Spellings: Spellings to be tested on Friday 28th April.

7.4.17 spellings

Homework: Year 1 are coming home with an Easter Diary that I’d like them to fill in over the holidays. I would like year 2 to complete pages 12 and 13 in their Maths SATs book and pages 16, 17, 18 and 19 in their English SATs books. They have also got a copy of the Easter Diary if they wish to do this activity.

Have a love Easter Break!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly Update

The children had a fantastic day on Monday at Chirk Castle! There are many more fantastic photos to appear on the website, I will do my best to get these on this weekend 🙂

English: We have continued with our instruction writing and looking specifically at time vocabulary e.g. first, second, next, then, after that, etc. The children have enjoyed making up their own special creature and writing instructions on how to catch it.

Maths: We have finished off our work on position and direction, the children enjoyed playing on the play ground with PE equipment and following instructions on where to place the objects e.g. inside a hoop, on the left hand side of the bench… year 2 children also recapped on clockwise, anticlockwise, 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 turns and continuing patterns of shapes.

History: In our topic this week the children designed their own coat of arms and wrote about their favourite things to decorate it.

Phonics: Year 1: alternative spelling for the ‘oa’ and ‘m’ phoneme.

Year 2: alternative spellings for the vowel phonemes.

Spellings: Spellings to be tested on 7.4.17

31.3.17 spellings

Homework: I would like year 2 children to complete pages 10, 35 and 36 of their KS1 Maths SAT Buster book please and hand in for Friday 7th April. If year 1 children could have a practise at counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s this would be great as we have been doing this in some of our starter lessons in maths.

Have a good weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly Update

English – This week we have been describing characters feelings in books. The children have had some Grammar lessons. Year 1 have been using adjectives and suffixes ‘ed’ and ‘ing. Year 2 have been using contractions and suffixes ‘ful’, ‘ness’ and ‘less’.

Maths – We have been recapping on telling the time. Year 1 telling the time to the hour and half hour. Year 2 to the quarter hour and some have been challenged to the nearest five minutes.

Science – The children enjoyed their lesson experimenting with different materials, they were discussing whether materials could bend, squash, stretch etc and find out if they return to their original shape.

Spellings – To be tested on Friday 10th March

3.3.17 spellings

Homework – Thank you for the homework handed in this week. I would like year 2 children to complete pages 12 and 13 (conjunction/joining words) and 20 and 21 (apostrophes). Please could they hand this in on Friday 10th March.

Thank you for your support.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Edwards

Class 2 weekly update

English – We have been looking at non-fiction reports and how these tell us information. The children have then had a go at writing their own non-fiction text about ‘Ourselves’.

Maths – This week we have been learning about money and how to make amounts in a variety of different ways using different coins. The children enjoyed playing an interactive game at the start of a lesson, this is the link if they wish to play it at home:

Phonics – Year 1: Alternative spellings of the ‘ai’ phoneme.

Year 2: Continuing with homophones.

History – The children have been learning about taxes in the medieval times and how these were spent on castle repairs.

Science – We have been investigating natural and man-made materials and sorting them into groups.

Spellings17.2.17 spellings

Homework – The children have been provided with homework to complete over half term, due in: 3.3.17. Year 2 children have been given two booklets for SAT test paper practise accompanied by a letter explaining how I’d like them completed and Year 1 have an A3 sheet on days of the week and money.

year 1 maths homework

Have a lovely half term!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 weekly update


We have continued our work on grammar this week…

Year 1: Using exclamation marks in sentences, adding ‘ing’ to words and to add ‘s’ to show a plural in our writing.

Year 2: Using commas in a list, reading and writing compound words and using apostrophes to show possession.


This week we have been learning about fractions.

Year 1: Finding ½ of a shape, finding different ways to make ½, finding ½ of a quantity and a set of objects.

Year 2: Finding ½, ¼, ¾ and 1/3 of shapes and quantities.


Year 1: New graphemes – ou, ie, ea, oy and ir.

Year 2: Adding suffixes – ing, ed, er, est and y.


The children have been provided with a fractions worksheet for homework this week. I would like this to be returned by Friday 2nd December.





Thank you for the support you have been providing the children with learning their lines. Next week we will be visiting the church whenever we have the opportunity. Please could you ensure that your child has a coat and appropriate clothing for making this visit as we expect it to be chilly!


Spellings to be tested Friday 2nd December.


Have a good weekend 🙂

Miss Edwards