We pride ourselves on how we work closely with children and their families, colleagues and outside agencies to ensure that children’s health, safety and well-being are at the forefront of our everyday practice.
We also take part in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe.online programme. This includes age-appropriate assemblies, as well as workshops for Year 5 and 6 pupils.

In our recent parent/guardian survey, (June 2022) 100% of parents and guardians answered yes to, “My child feels safe at this school.”
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy April 2024
SSCB – Contacts and definitions – January 2019
Operation Encompass
We are part of a national project, which is being run locally in partnership with Shropshire Council and West Mercia Police. Operation Encompass is a process whereby the police and the council will inform a member of staff if a child or young person has experienced any domestic abuse incident. This information sharing between professional agencies allows school staff to provide emotional and practical support to their pupils experiencing domestic abuse.
Operation Encompass Parent letter with ‘who to contact’
Our School is a ‘Safer School’
West Mercia Police and Shropshire Council support our school with the Safer School initiative. We are an accredited ‘Safer School’ and proud of our Safer School sign and certificate – the accreditation is reviewed every two years.

Safer School News July 2024
Congratulations to Bicton CE Primary School and Nursery on maintaining the Safer School accreditation. Mrs Johnson recently held a Safer School meeting at the school and it was well supported by pupils. A thorough meeting, covering all aspects of the security/safety process. This included a pro-active approach to security/safety, consultation with parents/carers/pupils through surveys and feedback, reflecting on any school issues and planning for the future. Overwhelmingly good feedback from the parent/carer and pupil surveys, including both constructive and lovely observations. It was a positive meeting and the pupils were really involved and contributed to the meeting – excellent work.
In recognition of the school’s responsible approach to security, safety and safeguarding, the school was presented with an updated Safer School certificate and a future meeting is planned for summer 2025.
Ian Bartlett, Safer Schools, Shropshire Council
Safer School Parent_Carer Survey Results 2024
Safer School Pupil Survey Results 2024
Safer School Parent_Carer Survey 2023
In March 2017, we welcomed representatives from the Local Authority and West Mercia Police into school to present us with our award.

The initiative is a holistic, practical and realistic approach to school security and personal safety. It gives our school a clear focus on the subject and turns a negative subject into a positive one. It sets a minimum standard for school security.
The essential elements of the ‘Safer School’ process include:-
- Implementing a security policy that the governors have adopted.
- Consulting parents/carers and pupils for their views and updating them on any progress.
- Publicity of Safer Schools to school staff, pupils, school neighbours, parents and prospective parents.
- Establishing a Safer School Group. This Safer School Group is a partnership of school stakeholders – Headteacher/Deputy, staff, governors, parents, pupils, neighbours, Shropshire Council and West Mercia Police.
- Regularly reviewing and implementing good practice and essential security/safety measures for staff, pupils, the site and assets.
- Educating pupils through the Personal, Social, Health and Economic curriculum programme or the Safer School folder.
- A daily procedure for recording incidents should they occur i.e. trespass, burglary, theft, anti-social behaviour, vandalism, arson, suspicious activity etc., both during school hours and out-of hours.
- Solving real problems rather than perceived problems. Prioritising work (if any) and reviewing action.
- If there are security issues i.e. vandalism, anti-social behaviour etc., the intention of the initiative is to reduce/eliminate the issues.
Safer School Policy Statement July 2017
Safer Schools News June 2021
I’d like to congratulate Mrs Johnson and all at Bicton CE Primary School and Nursery on maintaining their Safer School accreditation. In 2017, the school was accredited a Safer School and, via Teams video, I recently attended a Safer School meeting. It was a really positive and reassuring meeting, where we reviewed parent/carer feedback, listened to the views of pupils, updated the security checklist and discussed school incidents. During the meeting, the pupil contribution and enthusiasm reflected well on the school. An essential element of the initiative involves communicating and the school achieves this through Safer School meetings, parent/carer/pupil surveys and newsletters. A future meeting is planned for Summer 2022, excellent work!
Ian Bartlett, Crime Prevention Officer, Shropshire Council
Safer School News February 2019
The involvement of Bicton CE Primary School in the ‘Safer Schools’ initiative is excellent. Mrs Johnson recently held a ‘Safer School Group’ meeting with staff/governor, pupils and myself representing Shropshire Council. The Police normally attend but were unavailable and sent their apologies. A thorough meeting, covering all aspects of the security/safety process. This included a pro-active approach to security/safety, reflecting on any school issues and planning for the future. Part of the Safer School process includes consultation with parents/carers/pupils and during the meeting, we reviewed the parent/carer and pupil surveys. Reassuringly, the survey results were excellent and included some good observations. The meeting was really positive, with an excellent contribution by the pupils. Overall, an excellent example of ‘Safer School’ involvement – well done to Mrs Johnson, governors, staff and pupils. A future meeting will be held in the Spring term 2020.
Safer School News 7th July 2017
As Crime Prevention Officer for Shropshire Council, I attended a Safer School Group meeting at Bicton CE Primary School today. The meeting was well attended, positive, thorough and involving staff, governors, parents, pupils and the Police. Part of the ‘Safer Schools’ process includes consulting parents/carers/pupils and the results of the two Safer School surveys (parent/carer and pupil) were presented to the meeting. There was good response to the surveys and overwhelmingly the feedback was good. I was particularly impressed by the hard work of the school in preparation for the Safer School Group meeting. The school was accredited a ‘Safer School’ this year and I would like to recognise the school for its excellent working as an accredited ‘Safer School’.
Ian Bartlett, Crime Prevention Officer, Shropshire Council