
Avatar photo
Mrs Ryan
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Miss Stone
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Mrs McCormac

Welcome to Acorns

Nursery Graduation

As promised, please see some highlights from our Nursery children’s graduation where they put on an amazing performance of ‘We’re Going on a  Bear Hunt’. What little superstars they all are!



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Class Homework Open this to see the latest homework

Nursery Homework

There isn’t any homework for nursery children.

See previous homework

Class Spellings Open this to see the latest spellings

Acorns Spellings

Acorns are not set for Nursery children.

See previous spellings

Remote Learning Open this to see the latest remote learning

No remote learning to show at the moment.

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Nursery Graduation
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Nursery’s surprise visitors!
See more Showcase Items

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.

Class Showcase
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Nursery Graduation
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Nursery’s surprise visitors!