Home learning WC: 4.5.20


May the 4th be with you, Class 2!


Once again, it has been fantastic to have heard so many stories from you last week. Many of you sent me some lovely pictures of you baking. It’s been so good to see the different activities which you have been getting up to. If you have not yet emailed me since the lockdown started, then please feel free to. It would be fantastic to hear from you and to see how you’ve got on. As always, if there is anything in the slightest that I can do to support you then please email me and I will get back to you as quick as I can. My email is: Class2@Bicton.shropshire.sch.uk


Home Learning


Thank you to those of you who have contacted me about the Rising Stars reading books. There is a large number of you now signed up. If you would like your child to have an e-book version of a book they would normally read in school, then please just let me know the name of your last book and I will get that sorted for you!


Just finally, I thought it would be a nice idea to share some class news with each other. Therefore, if you would like some news to be shared on this site for everyone else in the class to read, then please email me your news and I will put it on the site for next week. I think it’ll be a nice way to stay connected with each other.


Please take good care of yourselves! I hope that you all have a fantastic week!

Mr Taylor

Home learning WC: 27.4.2020


Good morning Class 2!

I hope that you are all well. Myself and Mrs Allen are missing you all very much! It is very strange to not have seen most of you for so long. If you have not got in touch with me yet, then please do! It would be amazing to hear from you and to see how you’re coping during this time. Thank you to those of you who emailed last week. It looks as if you are doing incredibly well. We are incredibly proud of you! Keep up the good work!


Thank you to those of you who have contacted me regarding Rising Stars last week. Just as a reminder, this provides every child in the class, apart from free readers, with an e-book which directly follows on from the books we use in school. So, if your child has read all of the books they were given before schools shut, I can provide you with the books which follow on. If you are interested, please send me the name of the last book your child read and will give you a link for you to read the subsequent books.


Here is the home learning for this week. As always, these are a selection of activities which you can choose from.

Home learning


Looking forward to hearing from you. My email is: Class2@Bicton.Shropshire.sch.uk

Take care of yourselves!

Mr Taylor


Home learning WC: 20.04.2020


Good morning Class 2,


Welcome to your third official week of home learning! I really do hope that you were all able to have as nice an Easter holiday as possible in the circumstances. I hope you had a cracking time with your Easter eggs! The weather has been really nice over the past few weeks, so I hope you had the chance to be able to make the most of it!


Please find attached the home learning for this week:

Home learning

Just finally, I wanted to let you know that I have been able to find books online which follow on from the books which were given to the children prior to the lockdown. This is a resource for “Rising Stars” books. So, if your child has a book which has been published by “Rising Stars”, and you would like me to give you access to books specific for your child, please email me and I will get that all sorted for you. The e-books will be books which are in the range we have in school. There may be a couple of children who may have gone past this stage, but I am hoping that the vast majority of the children will now have this resource available for them.

My email is: Class2@Bicton.Shropshire.sch.uk


I hope that you are all well. As always, please email me if you ever need any help or advice and I will get back to you as soon as I can!


Mr Taylor

Class 2 Weekly Update

English: This week in English we have continued to practise using the suffixes ‘s’ and ‘es’ and the prefix ‘un’ to change the meaning of words. Yesterday the children made clay monsters to link with our story ‘Not Now, Bernard’ and today we will be writing instructions on how we made our clay monsters. They did a fantastic job! There are lots of little artists in Class 2. I have attached the photos below.

Maths: We have moved onto telling the time this week. We began the week using language such as before and after e.g. I have a bath before I go to bed. I play outside after I have had my lunch. We then moved onto telling time to the hour and half hour.

Science: In Science the children went on a hunt around the school to identify different types of plant e.g. daisies, dandelions, clover, etc.

History: In history the children identified photographs of seaside holidays 100 years ago, 50 years ago and now. They then designed their own bathing suits for a 100 years ago, 50 years ago and today.

RE: The children learned about the Hindu creation story yesterday. They had part of the story given to them and had to draw pictures to reflect their part in the story.

Spellings: To be tested Friday 29th June 2018.

Spellings 22.6.18

Homework: We have been practising our reasoning and problem solving skills in Maths and I’d like the children to complete homework on this relating to our time work this week. They may need some adult support with this as we are still developing our skills. The sheet they have been provided with has a small space for them to explain their answers so please use the back of the sheet if needed. When the sheet says “Explain how you know”, please could you encourage your child to write a full sentence and avoid saying “because I looked carefully”. If you’d like to write any notes at the bottom of the sheet to indicate how much support your child needed – then please feel free to do so. Homework Due in: Friday 29th June 2018. 

Sports Day: Just a reminder that Sports Day is on Tuesday 26th June. The children were given a letter on Wednesday explaining which team they are in and which colour we would like them to wear.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Edwards

Class 2 Weekly Update

English: Red and Blue group have completed RWI activities. Green and Yellow group have been focusing on adding suffixes ‘ed’,’er’ and ‘ing’ to words. Yesterday the children had time to independently write about our trip to the Ice Cream Farm.

Maths: We have continued with place value this week, looking at how many tens and ones are in a two-digit number and using the more than, less than and equal too symbols to compare numbers.

Science: We have been describing a range of animals in Science this week and comparing them to each other and ourselves.

History: The children found out about steam trains in History and how these helped to make seaside holidays more popular in the past.

Homework: The children have been given two pieces of homework to complete over the holidays. Maths homework is placing numbers on a number line and identifying one more and one less than a given number. English is a story starter, “We were walking in the woods, when we heard a…” I’ve asked the children to write an exciting story to go with this starter, remembering to use punctuation, adjectives, conjunctions (and, but and because) and to remember to use their beautiful handwriting. If your child would like to write more than the given lines, then additional paper can be added to their homework. Homework is due in Friday 8th June 2018.

English 25.5.18

Maths 25.5.18

Spellings: To be tested on Friday 8th June 2018.

Spellings 25.5.18

Have a great holiday!

Miss Edwards


Class 2 Weekly Update

English: We have continued with Read Write Inc this week. The children have been encouraged to stop and check their work regularly to make sure they have included the correct punctuation, they are trying their best with their handwriting at that their writing makes sense.

Maths: The children have continued with measurement this week, concentrating on weighing different objects. They have been using balancing scales to say statements such as “a water bottle weighs the same as 35 cubes”. We have weighed objects with non-standard units only.

Science: In Science this week, the children were excited to write their own alternative version of The Three Little Pigs. They were asked to include different materials for the houses and include adjectives describing their properties.

RE: In RE the children listened to and sequenced the Easter story, some children were challenged to write sentences about what was happening at different stages of the story.

Spellings: Spellings were given out last week to be tested on Friday 20th April 2018.

Homework: Miss Melville has given the children a piece of Maths homework to complete over the Easter holidays on measuring and Miss Neal has provided the children with some English homework about the Easter Bunny. Please could this be handed in on or before Friday 20th April 2018.

Easter Maths homework

Easter English homework

Thank you for your hard work this term Class 2 and I hope you all have a love Easter holiday!

Miss Edwards, Miss Melville and Miss Neal


Class 2 Weekly Update

English: In English this week we have been planning our own story based on ‘Beegu’. The children planned their story using story mountains and answering questions about their characters and the setting. They have written a draft version of their story, edited to improve it further and today have written their story in best – with some children earning a ‘pen licence’ and writing their story with a handwriting pen!

Maths: We have moved onto Place Value this week. The children have been learning to represent numbers in a range of different ways using base 10, ten frames and numicon. For example the number 32 can be represented as 3 tens and 2 ones.

Science: The children were experimenting with materials this week in Science. We met Ted who got wet at break time because he didn’t have an umbrella. The children made predictions, guessing which material would be best for an umbrella, then it was their job to test lots of materials to decide which would be best to make Ted his own umbrella.

Geography: In Geography, the children were given a picture of a jungle scene. We discussed what we could see and imagined what it would be like if we were stood in the middle of the jungle. The children used their senses and have written a lovely piece, describing their surroundings.

RE: The children have written their own prayers, inspired by everything they are thankful for.

Art: We looked at lots of natural objects on Tuesday e.g. shells, sticks, conkers, pine cones, etc. We then drew these in detailed sketches with a pencil.

Spellings: To be tested on Friday 2nd March 2018.

Spellings 16.2.18

Homework: The children are coming home with a piece of English homework – using ‘and’ to join two simple sentences and a piece of Maths homework – Counting in tens. This is due back on Friday 2nd March 2018.

English        Maths

Have a great half term!

Miss Edwards


Science Material Homework

Dear Parents and Carers,

In Class 2 we have started to learn about different materials such as metal, plastic and glass. We are now moving on to  what properties different materials have such as rough, smooth, shiny and soft. I would like the children to find any objects that have these properties in and around their house and draw and label pictures of their objects. We will talk about what they have found next week.

Homework due Friday 2nd February 2018.

Science Homework

Thank you for your support,
Miss Roberts

Class 2 weekly update

English: The children have continued in their groups with Read Write Inc this week. Green group and Yellow group have worked on their new books with lots of lovely discussions taking place whilst Blue and Red group have been thinking about our topic Rainforests. They have worked with Miss Roberts to describe a rain forest setting and created a poem linked to our topic. Thursday and Friday English lessons were based on our new class story Beegu. The children were encouraged to write a set of instructions, explaining how to make a jam sandwich as Beegu wanted to have a picnic!

Maths: The children have been developing their addition skills this week. They have been looking in depth at the part-whole model, e.g. if 5 is the whole number, what could the parts be? 4 + 1, 3 + 2, 5 + 0, etc. They have completed these models with numbers up to 10 using equipment or drawing the model to support them. The children have also discovered that addition is commutative (it can be completed in any order) and some children have completed problems and explained their reasoning to give themselves an additional challenge.

Geography: In Geography we imagined that we were in a jungle and came up with different scenarios. The children then role played these scenarios in a group and performed them to the class. They were then challenged to draw their journey in the jungle and write a sentence explaining what they saw on their adventure.

RE: In RE the children have continued with our topic Gospel – What is the good news Jesus brings? We discussed how Jesus chose 12 men to be his world-changers, but they were not who people might expect. They had to think of some qualities for world-changers e.g. strong, kind, clever, helpful, good at sharing, etc and decide who they would choose as their world-changers.

Computing: Computing this week, saw the children experimenting with the touch pad on a laptop. They were using a program to design their own house, using the touch pad to drag and drop different items such as a door, window, fence, etc. They made some beautiful houses!

Spellings: To be tested on Friday 19th January 2018.

Spellings 12.1.18

Homework: The children were given a piece of handwriting homework to complete and return on Friday 19th January 2018. Green group were focussing on forming their letters correctly using the lines to support them. Blue group are focussing on forming their letters of a consistent size using the sun, boat and water to support them. Yellow and Red group are to practise their leaders and descenders, making sure they take care to stay on the line. I have attached the Read Write Inc guidance for handwriting below (please see Handwriting 1b to support with sun, boat and water letter formation).

RWI Handwriting Guidance

Nativity: Thank you for your support with the Nativity on Friday morning and Monday evening. The children did a fantastic job and made me very proud!

If you have any questions about the homework this week, please do not hesitate in coming to see me!

Miss Edwards