
Tuesday 16th July, 2024

After School Clubs – September

We will be running several after school clubs when we return in the Autumn Term. The clubs will run from Monday the 9th September for 7 weeks. Full details will follow when we return.

There will be Emergency Childcare only until 4:30pm during the first week back (Wednesday 4th September until Friday 6th September).

If emergency childcare is required, please book on sQuid, this will be available to book towards the end of August. The cost is £5.00 per day.

Monday 15th July, 2024

Battlefield Church, 21st July

Dear Friends,

This coming Sunday is the anniversary of the Battle of Shrewsbury. There will be a short commemorative event at Battlefield Church, beginning at 1.45pm, and which will include the unveiling of a new portrait of Hotspur. All are welcome- the details are attached!
Blessings and thanks,
Hannah x
Friday 12th July, 2024

Next Forest Church- 15th September

Dear Friends,

We had a wonderful time at Pimhill on Sunday, and we are so grateful to Sophie, Charlie, Florence and Dido for making us really welcome. Thank you. Below is some leftover (beautiful) bunting made on the day- if you want to claim it, please do!

We are delighted to let you know that our next Forest Church is on Sunday, 15th September, 3pm at Plex stableyard SY4 3AH, by kind permission of Dean Price. It is going to be a Pet Service- you don’t need to bring a pet to attend, but the great thing is that you can if you’d like to- up to and including horses! There is plenty of space for all the animals. 
More details to follow, but for now do save the date.
Hannah x
Friday 12th July, 2024

After School Clubs last week of term

There will be Emergency Childcare only until 4:30pm during the last week of term (Monday 15th July – Thursday 18th July). There will be NO after school provision on Friday 19th July.

If emergency childcare is required, please book on sQuid – cost is £5.00 per day. Thank you.

Friday 12th July, 2024

Weekly News 12.07.24

Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve all had a good week. There is a lot of information in this week’s newsletter, so I thank you in advance for reading to the end.

We’ve had a very busy week in school with lots to celebrate.

At the start of the week, our two transition mornings went really well and we welcomed new staff and children to Bicton.

Our Year 6s received their KS2 SATs results and their hard work this year and positive attitude during SATs week is shown in their results. We are incredibly proud of each and every one of them!

As well as most of our Year 6s going to The Corbet School for 2 days for their transition, we’ve also welcomed two Corbet Year 10 pupils – past Bicton pupils – on work experience.  They have been amazing help in class and we will be sad to see them leave!

Well done to our Year 6s who took part in a rounders tournament at The Corbet School on Wednesday morning. They all played brilliantly and one of our teams won the tournament – we are very proud to have the area shield back in Bicton School for the next year!

Letters out this week

  • End of year reports
  • Letter from Mrs Mavin about assemblies next week

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

Friday 12th July, 2024

Activities and events near you

Looking for exciting Summer holiday events in Shropshire? Then look no further than our Family Information Service Directory.

We’ve gathered the best events going on in and around Shropshire, that are sure to make this summer the most memorable one yet. Whether you’re seeking outdoor adventures, workshops or a great family day out, we have something for everyone.

You can even filter by area to find the activities closest to you. Click on the button below and find out what’s going on near you.

Find out more



Friday 12th July, 2024

Worried about rising costs?

Many families in Shropshire are worried about rising costs. Shropshire Council and partners have put together a support page, to make it easier to know what support is available, and how to access it. The page includes:

  • Help you can get from the council
  • Support with energy and heating costs
  • Support with money, benefits and grants
  • Help with food including food banks, food shares and meal planning

So, if you’re getting into debt or your mental health is suffering, don’t wait to get help, there may be simple steps you can take today to cut costs or maximise your income.

Find out more

Friday 12th July, 2024

Help for parents during the school summer holidays

It’s fair to say that all parents from time to time need some help and support with issues that impact on family life, and the long school summer holidays can certainly be one of those times. There is help and support available in Shropshire and here’s just a few ways in which parents can get support

Early Help Family Drop Ins

You can get free Information, advice and support on all aspects of family life, at our Family Drop-In.  You can chat, have a cuppa and see how we can help you with:

  • Family life
  • Parenting support
  • Domestic abuse support
  • Money worries
  • Housing support
  • and much more

To find your local drop in please visit the Family Information Directory

Parenting Help and Support Line

The Parenting Help and Support Line are here for parents with a friendly listening ear and practical advice on everything from behaviours that challenge to sleep issues. No judgment, just support, through this anonymous and confidential service.

Call 01743 250950 Monday – Thursday, 9.30am – 4.30pm or Friday, 9.30am – 3.30pm or email: parenting.team@shropshire.gov.muk

Find out more