
Friday 18th October, 2024

Smartphone Free Childhood

This ‘Smartphone Free Childhood’ project aims to draw attention to the negative effects that smartphones and social media can have on children. One of the difficulties of reducing phone use is the use of smart phones within a child’s peer group. The research shows the problems that can come with smartphone use such as access to harmful content, addiction, academic distraction, cyberbullying and mental illness.
The Smartphone Free Childhood projects asks parents to “pledge” to a smartphone free childhood for their children.
Please follow the link to find out more.
Friday 18th October, 2024

The sky’s the limit!

James and Jessica had a busy weekend and managed to climb to the top of Cadair Idris – 2930 feet! An excellent example of perseverance and resilience – a huge well done to both of them.

Friday 18th October, 2024

Award Winners

A big well done to this week’s award winners!

Edward for perseverance in writing lessons.

Freda for showing respect to others.

Dena for starting her first week at Bicton School with such joy.

Alyssa for always being ready to work and for trying hard.

Baron for showing great leadership skills in dance.

Belle for settling into school life so well.


Jessica in Year 5 has done swimmingly this week achieving some fantastic awards in her swimming lessons!

Friday 18th October, 2024

Head of School Message

School has felt very autumnal this week as the colder and wetter weather has drawn in!  Please ensure your child has a waterproof coat every day in school and appropriate footwear for the wet weather.

We have had our Year 4 parents in school hearing about our Liverpool residential in June next year.  The powerpoint shared with parents will be put onto Class Dojo and shared on the Maple class page on the website.

A group of Year 5 and 6 children enjoyed a trip today to the Shrewsbury Club organised by Shropshire Tennis.  They all behaved impeccably and had a wonderful time doing some tennis activities, having a Q&A session with some professional players, and watching the W100 quarter final games.


Parent Drop-Ins:

  • Parents are welcome to drop into classes to have a look at their child’s work and speak to the class teacher between 2 – 3pm and 3.30-5.30pm on Tuesday 22nd October, and 2-2.30pm and 3.30-5.30pm on Wednesday 23rd October
  • Birch Class ONLY – Drop-Ins on Wednesday 23rd October 2-2.30pm and 3.30-530pm (no drop-ins on Tuesday)

We hope to see lots of parents/carers for the PE Dance Showcase on Wednesday 23rd October at 2.45pm.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Mavin

Sunday 13th October, 2024

Gardening Day

A big thanks to all those who came to help for our gardening day. We got a huge amount done and will be arranging another one in the Spring term.

Friday 11th October, 2024

Head of School Message

Firstly, a huge thank you again for so many of you joining us at our Harvest Service this morning.  We were able to take a huge number of donations to the Shrewsbury Food Bank thanks to your generosity and we are very grateful for all of your support.

As the colder weather draws in, please ensure your child is suitably equipped for cold playtimes with a coat, and hat and gloves if necessary.  We are very much hoping the sunshine stays out for our Gardening Day tomorrow.! Please join anytime from 9am for as long as you are able to.

If we don’t see you tomorrow, have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Mavin