Under the Sea

Following our work on pirate adventures, Class One are moving on to look at ‘under the sea’ adventures for the next few weeks.  We began today by looking at what the children know already about under the sea.  This afternoon we looked at sea shells and the children worked in groups to sort the shells according to their size, shape and colour.

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This week in Class 4…..


We have been continuing with our work on adventure stories this week. We began the week by learning how to make our writing exciting. We talked about our use of punctuation and the use of short sentences and then had a go at writing the train chase scene from Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers in an exciting way. We have also finished reading our class story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and we have done some work storyboarding this ready for a display. We have focused specifically on the structure of an adventure story.

In our maths lessons this week we have been doing some investigations on measurement and weight. We have investigated whether our feet are both the same length and have had a go at measuring each other and converting the measurements into decimals. We have also been estimating and weighing items and converting these measurements as well as investigating different ways of making 1kg.

Other highlights this week include finding out about the capital city of Spain, Madrid and finding out about some famous landmarks. In science we have continued our work on materials. The children were set the task of giving a presentation explaining all the good things about a material they were given. They had to persuade me that their material was the best by telling me about its properties and what it could be used for. We have also enjoyed learning about the story of Moses in RE and continuing our work on balance in PE.
All in all it’s been a good week, well done Class 4, keep up the hard work!

Year 6 Booster change of day

Next week neither Mr Davies or myself are able to do Booster on Thursday 6th but Mr Davies can do Booster on Tuesday 4th at the usual times from 3:15 to 4:30. Children can go into Film Club once Booster is finished if they wish to.

Many thanks.

Mrs Johnson


Parent Governor Elections

We are pleased to announce the election of our two new parent governors:Mr Mark Dives and Mrs Caroline Bailey. (Letters have been sent out today formally announcing this.)

We are grateful to all members of our governing body for their time and support and hope that Mark and Caroline enjoy their new roles.

Many thanks.

Mrs Johnson

Medal Winners – 24th January

Children have asked if I could upload a photo of the medal winners each week so here’s last week’s proud winners in our Friday afternoon assembly.


Class 4 Science

We’ve had great fun continuing our science work on materials. The children were put into groups and each group was given a specific material. Their task was to create a poster and presentation to try and persuade me that the material they had been given was the best material out of all of them. They had to think of all it’s properties and all the things that it could be used for. I was so impressed with how each group rose to this challenge and worked really hard!


Healthy Snacks and Packed Lunches

We’ve noticed that many children are bringing in large quantities of sweets, large bars of chocolate or family-sized bags of crisps for their break-time snack.  Children in all classes are provided with a piece of fruit or a vegetable stick each day but if children do wish to bring in an additional snack, could we please ask this to be a healthy snack e.g. a cereal order clonazepam 2mg bar, dried fruit, etc.

We also ask you to consider the health and nutrition aspect of children’s packed lunches, as we have noticed large quantities of chocolate bars in some lunch boxes in recent weeks.

If you have any queries about the above, please do not hesitate to speak to myself or another member of staff. Thank you as always for your support.

Mrs Johnson

Class 5 Geography Homework for Wednesday 29th

This week we are learning about the natural resources of Brazil, as well as the products it grows or manufactures. We have started to think about where these might be exported to and Tuesday night’s homework is to look around your own home to see which products of the rainforest are lurking in your cupboards!

I will be sending the survey sheet home (see below) on Tuesday night but if you are reading this now you have a headstart!

Rainforest at home


Class 5 Literacy homework for 27.01.14

This weekend, Class 5 children have been asked to continue planning their stories on deforestation which we are going to start writing on Monday 27th.  They were given time on Friday afternoon to make a start on their plan, making use of the range of topic books in School to remind them about the cause and effect of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

I have uploaded the planning sheet below so that they can type their ideas if they wish and they are free to edit the planning sheet as they choose.  If children are unable to print at home, they can bring their work in on a memory stick or email their work to the Office at admin@bicton.shropshire.sch.uk and we will print the document for them.

I’m really looking forward to reading children’s stories next week!

story planner deforestation

story planner deforestation word

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