Published on: 16th April, 2023

Weekly Newsletter 16.04.23


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Summer Term Newsletter

Hi everyone,

I hope you have had a good Easter and are ready for the start of the summer term tomorrow – hopefully we will see some sunshine this week!

Tennis Open Day

Uniform reminders

Please see a reminder below of our uniform expectations. Thank you in advance for ensuring your child wears the correct uniform particularly on PE days.

Uniform Expectations

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Mrs Johnson x

Parking reminders

Following the previous reminder sent out, we have received further complaints this week about inconsiderate parking on Bicton Lane. Please see a reminder below of the information from West Mercia Police.


Arthog Reminder

Thank you for the the new bookings this week for our Year 5 / 6 visit to Arthog in June. Please see a reminder of the letter below, which was sent out last half term.

Arthog Parent Letter – January 2023

If you would like your child to attend, and you have not yet done so, we would be grateful if your could book their place on sQuid and pay a deposit.  Please note, we need to give Arthog our final numbers by Friday 5th May.

The gallery below gives you just a taste of the Arthog experience!