Class 5 Homework

Year 5 – I have set a decimal place value activity for Year 5 this week. This is due back by Wednesday 6th December.

Year 6 – Just a reminder for Year 6 to bring back their maths SAT papers by Wednesday 6th December please.

Class 5 Homework

Year 5 – I would like Year 5 to complete a reading comprehension. This is in their books and I would like the answers to be written in full please. This is due back by Wednesday 29th November.

Year 6 – Year 6 are today taking home a copy of the 2017 Maths SAT papers that they have completed over the last fortnight. I would like the children to look at the problems they got wrong, and work with an adult to see where they have made errors. Please could these papers be returned inside the red folders by Wednesday 6th December.

Class 5 Homework

This week’s homework is set on Purple Mash. I would like the children to log on and click on the ‘2Do’ section. I have set a grammar task for them, where they are asked to add missing words and semicolons, colons and dashes to sentences. I would like this to be completed by Wednesday 22nd November. If you do not have access to the internet at home, children are welcome to complete it at break times in school. They have been given a copy of their login today.

Class 5 Homework

This week’s homework is based on our learning on fractions. The children will either have been given an improper fraction conversion activity, or a fraction adding and subtracting activity. Please encourage your child to complete their homework as independently as possible, and write a note on their work if they needed some adult help.

This homework is due back by Wednesday 15th November.

Class 5 Homework

This week’s homework is to create a character portrait and character description of Macbeth. I have talked this through with the children, and we shared ideas about what our portrait could look like, and how we could describe Macbeth’s character. This is all to be completed in pencil please, and I would like it to be returned by Wednesday 8th November.

Class 5 Homework

Class 5 homework over half term is revising some of the trickier concepts we have learned in maths this half term.

Year 5 will be multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, and Year 6 will be solving problems using their knowledge of ‘Order of Operations’ (BODMAS/BIDMAS, follow link for more information BODMAS/BIDMAS ).  I would like your child to complete the highlighted sections on their sheet.

This homework is due back by Wednesday 1st November.

Class 5 Homework

I would like the children to complete a reading comprehension for their homework this week. We have practised writing answers to comprehension questions a lot in class, so I would like to see the children working independently to apply this in their homework.

Homework is due back by Wednesday 18th October.

Class 5 Homework.

Due back by Wednesday 11th October

Homework this week is based on our learning in Maths over the past fortnight; using long division for Year 6, and finding common factors for Year 5.

For long division, we have been using the formal written ‘chunking’ method.

An example can be found below:


Class 5 Homework

Homework this week is based on our learning in English this week; using commas for clarity. The homework is to review how confident children are with the placement of commas in sentences. This will be due back by Wednesday 4th October.

Class 5 Homework

New homework linked to our learning in maths has been sent home today in homework books.

Year 6s will be practising the method of long multiplication, and Year 5s will be applying their learning in addition and subtraction to solving multistep problems.

This homework will be due back by Wednesday 27th September.