Craft Club – Thursdays

If your child is attending Craft Club on Thursday please can you let Mrs Neal (reception) know.  Cost – £1.00 per child (money in an envelope with their name on)

Thank you

School Disco – 14th February

With reference to the school disco, FOBs would like you to disregard request for parent attendance, but if you are happy to help please contact a FOBs member.

Class 2 Cake Sale

As part of our Maths unit, over the next weeks Class 2 are going to plan and hold a cake sale on Thursday 13th Febuary at break time. All children are welcome to bring money to buy cakes that will cost about 20p. We hope to use the money raised to buy some new costumes for our role play area.

Many thanks,

Mrs Chadwick

Valentine’s Disco – Friday 14th Feb

Get ready to move and groove at the Valentine’s Disco on Friday 14th straight after school until 5pm!  We kindly ask that all children are accompanied by an adult.  Also, any donations of cakes or biscuits would be gratefully received.  Thank you.


Class 5 Geography Homework for Wednesday 29th

This week we are learning about the natural resources of Brazil, as well as the products it grows or manufactures. We have started to think about where these might be exported to and Tuesday night’s homework is to look around your own home to see which products of the rainforest are lurking in your cupboards!

I will be sending the survey sheet home (see below) on Tuesday night but if you are reading this now you have a headstart!

Rainforest at home


Class 5 Literacy homework for 27.01.14

This weekend, Class 5 children have been asked to continue planning their stories on deforestation which we are going to start writing on Monday 27th.  They were given time on Friday afternoon to make a start on their plan, making use of the range of topic books in School to remind them about the cause and effect of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

I have uploaded the planning sheet below so that they can type their ideas if they wish and they are free to edit the planning sheet as they choose.  If children are unable to print at home, they can bring their work in on a memory stick or email their work to the Office at and we will print the document for them.

I’m really looking forward to reading children’s stories next week!

story planner deforestation

story planner deforestation word

Reporting an Absence

If your child is unwell and will not be in School, please could we remind parents and carers to phone School before 9:30 a.m. or, if you are bringing a sibling to School, please inform your child’s teacher or the Office.

Many thanks.

Mr and Mrs Conde’s New Arrival!

Just to let you know that Mrs Conde had a baby girl, Harriet Elizabeth, on Wednesday afternoon weighing 6lb 14 (and a little bit!) Mum and baby are doing really well and went home this afternoon.

We pass on our best wishes and congratulations on behalf of everyone at Bicton School.

Weekly Newsletter 17.01.14

Children have had another busy week and we thank you for your support helping your child with homework, spellings, reading and for any special activities planned by individual classes.

We hope you are making full use of the School website, which we are very proud of, to check what is going on or coming up in your child’s class, read about and see photos of what your child has been learning this week and check the calendar for details on clubs, trips, etc. There is an expectation on us to limit printing as much as possible and the website has had a positive impact on how we communicate with yourselves.

If you do not have access to the Internet, however, please speak to Mrs Jones or Mrs Neal at the Office and they will arrange for a weekly newsletter to be sent home with your child.

Swapping Toys

We seem to have a lot of children bringing in toys from home which they are then giving away or swapping with other children.  Teachers have spoken to children about this not being allowed but we would be grateful if you could reinforce this message at home; often children swap toys and then ask for the toy back which can sometimes end in a disagreement or even tears!

Whilst we do not want to stop children from bringing in toys to play with at break times, we would prefer them not to bring in anything which could get broken when children are playing outside.

Thank you in advance for your help with this.

Mrs Johnson