Nursery Graduation

As promised, please see some highlights from our Nursery children’s graduation where they put on an amazing performance of ‘We’re Going on a  Bear Hunt’. What little superstars they all are!



News from Nursery

I had the privilege of attending our nursery children’s ‘graduation’ and watching their performance of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. I’ll upload some more photos and a short video, once I’ve checked which children are allowed to appear on our website, so keep an eye out next week!

Nursery’s surprise visitors!

Our Nursery children had a surprise visit from Shropshire Fire Service. They even got to talk to children in other classes over the firefighters’ radio!

Applications for Reception 2022

The closing date for school applications for Reception 2022 is 15th January 2022. If you have not already done so, please apply using the link below as soon as possible.

News from Nursery

We are really looking forward to seeing you back in Nursery next week!
Please check the school website for any updates. (The latest risk assessment has been emailed out to parents today.)
Just a reminder that we are open 8.50am – 2.50pm.  Morning session 8.50am – 11.30am.
Please bring a drink of water, your lunch if you are having a packed lunch, a bag with spare clothes, and a warm coat.
We are now using Tapestry, to upload photos and observations of your child’s time in Nursery.  It will be great if you can look at this and comment or upload photos and information about your child too.  There is a video below with further information.
On Wednesday morning March 10th, we are taking the Nursery children and Willow class into Forest School, so please bring your child in suitable warm outdoor clothing and a change of clothes too.
(We have got waterproofs and wellies your child can wear as necessary.)
Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about your child returning next week.
See you soon.

Love Miss.  Stone

The monkey with a bright blue bottom


Hi everybody

We hope you are all well and have enjoyed half term.

Our book this week is ‘The monkey with the bright blue bottom.’

The monkey was very cheeky using the paints!

🐵I wander if you can use lots of different colours and paint some animals?Bambino Jungle Mat by Oriental Weavers

🐵Can you paint with different size paintbrushes and look at the different patterns each brush makes.

🐵Can you dip string in the paint and make patterns with the string.

Easy String Art Painting Experiment with Kids

🐵Can you have a go at bubble painting?


  1. Add three tablespoons of bubble solution and two tablespoons of paint to a cup.
  2. Mix the paint and bubble solution together.
  3. Place a piece of paper on the grass or a table.
  4. Dip the bubble wand or a straw into the bubble paint and then blow out bubbles so they land on the paper.

🐵When you go for a walk, maybe you could collect some leaves, or a pretty snowdrop and then draw or paint a picture of it when you get home.

🐵Look at different animals and talk about their colours and the patterns on them.

The stripes on a zebra, the squares on the giraffe, the spots on the leopard and many more.

🐵When you go for a walk, can you see patterns anywhere?  On drain covers, bricks, doors, and many more?

🐵Can you look at lots of animals and think about where they live, would you see them in a zoo, or at the farm, in the jungle? What do they eat?  What noise do they make? Are they tall, short, tiny, huge?  Have the animals got fur? Or scales, feathers?

🐵I wander if you could look at a map and think about where the animals live in the world.

🐵We hope you all have a lovely week and we look forward to hearing from you all.

Take care

Love from everyone in nursery.

Mr. Wolf’s Pancakes

Hi children and families

We hope you have had a good week.

This week we have planned activities around the book “Mr Wolf’s Pancakes”.

Here is a video of us reading the story.  We hope you enjoy it.

🥞Do you think the characters were kind to Mr. Wolf?  How do you think that made Mr.  Wolf feel?

🥞Below is a link to the nursery rhyme ‘Wee Willie Winkie’

🥞Below is a link to the nursery rhyme ‘Old Mother Hubbard’

🥞Can you make your own pancakes?

110g flour, 2 eggs, 200ml milk.

You can add different toppings on your pancakes.  I wonder what your favourite is?

🥞  You could use food colouring and syrup and a new brush to paint patterns and colours on your pancake.

🥞  Can you draw circles, like  a pancake and cut around them carefully with scissors?  Maybe you could pretend play with frying pans, whisk, jug, spatula.

🥞  Can you see other round shapes around your house?  Maybe a wheel, a clock, a plate and I’m sure many more things.

🥞  Can you think of something to use as pretend money, maybe milk carton lids?  You could count the lids.  Can you count up to 10?  I wonder if you can count lots of other things in your home.

🥞You could play shops at home, set up items to sell, use money and a purse, a till and a shopping bag.  I wonder what you will buy from your shop?

🥞Can you look for numbers around your house and have a look how many numbers you can see when you go for a walk?

🥞Did you notice the characters in the book? Gingerbread man, 3 little pigs, Little Red Riding Hood.  I’m sure you can tell those stories all by yourself.

🥞Below is a link to the story of Chicken Licken.

🥞We hope you enjoy some of these activities and we look forward to hearing from you.

Take care, we hope you all have a good week.

Love from everyone in Nursery.


The Enormous Turnip

Hi everyone

We hope you are all well!

We have planned some activities to do in nursery and for you to do at home if you want to.

Here is a video of Miss. Stone and Mrs. Ryan telling the story.

🧅 After you have listened to the story of “The Enormous Turnip” , can you talk about why the turnip wouldn’t come out of the ground?    🧅 Do you think you and your family would be strong enough to pull it out?

🧅 Can you look at the vegetables in your house, do any of them look like a turnip?

🧅Can you sort them into shapes, sizes, colours?

🧅 Can you make vegetable soup?

Here is a recipe for you to follow.


🧅 Can you “write” a shopping list of all the ingredients you will need? I would love to see your lovely mark making on paper.

🧅 Can you use some of your old vegetables to cut in half and dip into different coloured paints to create a lovely vegetable print picture?

🧅 If you like playing outside in your garden, maybe you have some mud you can dig, add water, mix around in different pots and pans, maybe hide some old vegetables in the mud!

🧅 Here are some songs you might enjoy singing about The Enormous Turnip.

the-enormous-turnip-spot-the-difference-activity t-t-253566-pull-the-turnip-song


🧅 below is a link to the characters from the book, that you can print out and make stick puppets to tell your own story.


We hope you all have a good week.

Please send us some photos or an email to say how you are getting on.

Lots of love from everyone in Nursery.
