Published on: 19th January, 2024

Weekly Newsletter 19.01.24


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Weekly News 19.01.24

Hello everyone,

I would like to say a huge thank you for your understanding this week with the ongoing issues with our heating. It was a difficult decision to make not to close the school, especially when temperatures continued to plummet, but your words of gratitude for us remaining open confirmed that it was the right decision. Well done to all the children and staff for their resilience, and coping with working in multiple layers and even hats and gloves!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

Young Artists’ Summer Show

We have registered our school for the Royal Academy of Arts ‘Young Artists’ Summer Show’.

Submitting artwork is completely free and is done online. Now that our school is registered, your child’s artwork can be submitted by a parent/guardian.

Each child can submit one artwork and there is no theme. When you enter, they’ll ask for an image of the artwork plus some information about the piece such as title, size, and a little text about the artwork and why the child made it. The artwork will be seen by their panel of judges and the selected pieces will be shown in their online exhibition. Some of the artworks will also be shown at the Royal Academy of Arts.

Click here or below for more info.



Burn’s Night Supper and Ceilidh

Burn’s Night Supper and Ceilidh with the Cuckoo Ale Band
on Saturday 3rd February at Montford Parish Hall 7pm
Piper Three course supper and coffee
Licensed bar
Tickets £20 available from Tricia on 01743 850810 or Esther 07484 777625

Important message: Measles

Cases of measles are increasing in the UK, including in the West Midlands, and it’s likely that there will be cases in Shropshire soon.

Measles is a viral illness that can be serious and sometimes fatal. Spending 15 minutes with someone with measles is enough to get the virus. Symptoms of measles include high fever, runny nose, cough, red and watery eyes, small red spots with a bluish-white centre inside the mouth. A rash can appear later, usually on the face, upper neck, hands and feet, fading after 5 to 6 days. If you’ve not been vaccinated against measles, you can be at risk, but it’s most common in young children. Someone with measles can spread the virus up to 4 days before a rash appears, and up to 4 days after.

Measles can have serious and sometimes fatal consequences, so make sure you and your children are up to date with MMR vaccinations and ask your GP about catch-up jabs if needed. The MMR vaccine is highly effective at protecting against measles.

If you are unsure if your child is up to date with all their routine vaccinations, you can check their Red Book (personal child health record) in the first instance. If you are still not sure, or if you need to bring your child up to date with their vaccines, you should contact their GP practice to check and book an appointment.

If you are concerned that your child has measles, please call your GP in the first instance, to reduce the risk of passing the disease to others in the waiting room.  More information on measles can be found here and information on the MMR vaccine can be found here .

Parking reminder

Please could we remind all parents and adults using the school car park that parking is not permitted in the bus lane at any time.  If the school car park is full at the end of the day, please use the village hall car park.

We thank you in advance for your support with this.

Passmaster – February Half Term Activities

February Half Term 2024 activity club flyer

Passmaster are excited to announce our February Half-Term Holiday Activity Club! It’s a fantastic opportunity for boys and girls aged 6-11 to have fun, make friends, and learn new skills. The club runs from the 12th to the 16th of February 2024, with activities planned daily from 8.30 am to 4 pm for just £18 per day. Drop off from 8.00am to enjoy our free breakfast club!

Our programme includes both indoor and outdoor play, team games, dance and nature exploration, arts and crafts, imaginary play, and even cooking! We also feature themed weeks and various daily activities such as clay modelling, pancake flipping on Shrove Tuesday, dodgeball, Valentine’s Day crafts on February 15th, gymnastics, party games every Friday, and art workshops.

Our club is hosted at Mount Pleasant Primary, Whitemere Road, Shrewsbury, and you can find more information on our websites: and book through

If you’re interested or need more information, please drop us an email

We hope to see your child there for a week of fun, learning new skills and making new friends!

Best regards,The Passmaster Coaching Team