Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 3rd November

The children have been set some homework linking to our work on multiplication. Feel free to support them with their homework but please could you make a note on their homework if you have done so.

year 2 1

y2 2

year 3 1

year 3 2

Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 6th October

The children have been given a piece of maths homework this week relating to place value. Please can this be handed in by Friday 6th October. If your child looses their homework and you are unsure which activity they were given please just pop in to ask for another copy.

Just a reminder that homework is given out every 2 weeks, so children will be given a new piece of homework on Friday 13th October.

Year 2 Sheet 1

Year 2 Sheet 2

Year 2 Sheet 3

Year 3 Sheet 1

Year 3 Sheet 2

Year 3 Sheet 3

Class 3 Homework

This week the children have been set some homework relating to work we have done in class.

There are different activities within each year group, if your child looses their homework and you are unsure which activity they were given, please just pop in and ask.

You are more than welcome to support your child with their homework. If you do, please could you write a note on it stating that you did so.

Year 2 – The children have some homework relating to expanded noun phrases. They have been learning how to put two adjectives before a noun and using a comma to separate them, e.g. The cute, fluffy rabbit.

Some of the Year 2’s have been given a capital letter sheet also in order to revise using capital letters at the start of their sentences.

Activity 1: yr2grp1

Activity 2: y2grp2

Year 3  – The children have been given some homework on adverbs where they are identifying them and practising using them in sentences.

Activity 1: yr3grp1

Activity 2: yr3grp2

Activity 3: yr3grp3

Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 30th June

This week the children have been given some work relating to fractions.

Every child has been given a copy of their activity today and it is due in on Friday 30th June.

It has been made very clear to the children that if they do not hand in their homework on time then they will be asked to complete it during a playtime.


Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 16th June

This week we have been practising our division skills in our maths lessons. Therefore, all children have been given some division homework to complete this week. Feel free to support your child if needed, just pop a note on their homework to say that you did so.

Below are copies of the homework, your child should know which sheet they were given but do not hesitate to ask if they are unsure.

Division Number Line Method

Division Facts

Bus stop method with carrying

Bus stop method word problems

Class 3 Homework – Due Friday 26th May

This week I am sending the children home with some column subtraction homework. I have given them the activity most suited to them based on their work in class. The children often find subtraction more challenging than addition and sometimes need reminding to subtract and not add. Feel free to support your child with their homework but please could you just make a note on the homework if you do so.

Subtraction 2 digit numbers

Subtraction Activity no exchanging

Subtraction with Exchanging

Subtraction Problem Sheet

Class 3 Homework – Due in Friday 12th May

This week I have sent home some maths homework relating to column addition. We are due to revise both column addition and subtraction next week so revision at home will definitely help them with our lessons next week.

Below are copies of the homework should your child loose their sheet. They should remember which one they were given.

Sheet 1 – Column Addition using pictures to develop understanding (no carrying involved).

Picture Column addition (no carrying)

Sheet 2 – Column Addition with numbers (no carrying)

Column addition no carrying

Sheet 3 – Column Addition with numbers (with carrying)

Column addition with carrying

Feel free to support your child as necessary. In class we focus on using the correct place value terminology when using column addition. For example:



We would say 4 add 2, 20 add 40 (or 2 tens add 4 tens), 300 add 500 (or 3 hundreds add 5 hundreds) – this reinforces to the children the place value columns each number is in to deepen their understanding of the method.

If you have any questions please feel free to pop in and ask.
Please can children hand in this homework by Friday 12th May.

Just a side note – some children requested two pieces of homework because they were unsure whether they could remember how to carry or not.  I have allowed them to have two but have made it clear they are not expected to complete both sheets, they can if they want to but they are only expected to complete one. I have explained that they may want to have a go at maybe 3 on the no carrying and if they are confident they can stop and have a go at the carrying sheet.

Class 3 Easter Holiday Homework

The children have been given their homework today for the Easter holidays.

Each child has been given a piece of maths homework which they should have brought home in their book bags. This links to our place value work that we have been focusing on in class.

As well as maths homework the children have been set a piece of English homework on purplemash. They are to write a letter in character as Charlie Bucket, thanking Mr Wonka for their visit to the chocolate factory.

I have given paper copies of the English to the children who requested it but have also attached a PDF version incase you have trouble accessing purplemash.

Please see below for the homework overview.

This homework is due in on the first day back after Easter – Monday 24th April.

Easter Homework Overview

Easter Willy Wonka Homework

Class 3 Homework

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child has come home today with a short poem relating to one of the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory characters. They have been asked to try their best to learn the poem for celebration assembly – this will be their homework for this week. Any support you can give them to help them learn their poem would be very much appreciated.

Thank you for your continued to support,

Miss Barratt

Class 3 Homework – due in Friday 17th March

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child has been set some homework on purplemash – it’s a bit different this week as I have set them a game to play. This game will reinforce their understanding of fractions and assess their understanding so far. I have told children that they can play on it as many times as they want to but they must play on it at least once. They choose the level called ‘Pizza Rookie’ – please do not allow them to choose any other level as they will not have covered work relating to those levels.

The children who have recently joined Class 3 have been given their username and password on a laminated card which they need to keep safe. They have also come home with a letter which explains what purplemash is and how to access it.

If for any reason your child is unable to access the purplemash game at home, please could you write a note in their home-link book and I will find some time within school to allow them to complete their homework.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Barratt