Published on: 10th November, 2023

Weekly Newsletter 10.11.23


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Weekly News 10.11.23

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a good half term. The children seem to have settled back into school well this week and have enjoyed sharing their news from half term. It sounds as though lots of parents had a very busy week!

In celebration of World Kindness Day on Monday next week, some of the older children will be painting ‘kindness rocks’ next week which will be placed at the new housing development on Welshpool Road.

Please can we ask that, if you phone school and there is no answer, you leave a message on the school answerphone. There is not always somebody available to answer the phone but they will respond to any messages left as soon as they can. Thank you.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson x

Christmas Shoeboxes

If your child is taking part in the Christmas Shoebox appeal, please can they be brought into school by Wednesday 22nd November. Thank you for the boxes brought in so far.

Please click here for more information


Children in Need – Friday 17th November

Get your pyjamas or spotty outfit at the ready for Children In Need on Friday 17th November. If children don’t want to wear pyjamas or spots, they could wear something that will make others smile! We ask that all children pay £1.00 donation towards the charity which they can bring into school or pay via our JustGiving page – click here to donate.

We’d also welcome donations of cakes or biscuits for our breaktime cake sale – nothing containing nuts please – and, if sending in homemade products, please attach a list of ingredients.  Children can bring money in to buy a cake and we will then pay in the monies raised to our JustGiving account. Thank you in advance for your support!

Height and weight checks for children in Reception and Year 6

Please see a reminder of the letter below from NHS for children in Reception and Year 6 only . The Opt Out form on the final page of the letter must be returned to school before the school nurse visits on Wednesday 6th December if you do not want your child to take part.

NCMP Parent letter PRE-MEASURE 23-24 Yr6&Rec

Shrewsbury High School event – Year 6 parents

Remembrance Sunday plans

Dear Friends,
As we approach Remembrance Sunday (12th November), I thought I’d let you know of our services around Severn Loop. Please note the earlier start time at Bicton and Shrawardine, and the Festival of Remembrance at Fitz (to which all are warmly invited). You are most welcome at any of our services. 

9am- Bomere (Holy Communion with an Act of Remembrance)
9.30am- Montford (Holy Communion with an Act of Remembrance)
10.45am- Bicton– A Service of Remembrance, led by Steve Jones (Padre of our local branch of the Royal British Legion)
10.45am- Leaton– A Service of Remembrance, with the local Scouts in attendance, followed by Acts of Remembrance at the War Memorial and Preston Gubbals
10.50am- Shrawardine– A Service of Remembrance
5.30pm- Fitz– A Festival of Remembrance with the Yeoman Singers
Many of our churches have beautiful poppy displays to mark the occasion. At Montford, there is a Poppy Path set up in the churchyard- do go along and see it. Here is a (rather windswept!) video of it as well:
Finally, in Bomere Heath there will be an Act of Remembrance at 11am on Saturday, 11th November, outside the Methodist Chapel- do gather there about ten minutes before.
With love and blessings,
Hannah x

Shrewsbury Sports Village Christmas activities

Please see details below of activities taking place at Shrewsbury Sports Village on Friday 22nd December – we break up on Thursday 21st December.

No smoking or vaping

As you are aware, smoking is not permitted anywhere on the school site including in cars on the school car park.  This also includes vaping. If a family member or other adult is collecting your child from school or nursery, please make them aware of these rules.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.