Published on: 8th September, 2023

Weekly Newsletter 08.09.23


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Weekly News 08.09.23

Hi everyone,

I hope you had a good summer holiday although I’m sure we would all agree that we would rather have seen this week’s glorious sunshine during the holidays!

We have had a wonderful start to the new school year and we have been blown away with how quickly our new children have settled into school especially our reception children. They have amazed us with their confidence this week and how quickly they are getting used to daily routines. Well done to all of our children for making sure that our new children feel welcomed to our school and nursery.

Thank you for your support in helping your child settle into school and a big thank you for saying ‘good bye’ at the gate and letting them walk in on their own, which I know is a huge step for Reception children (and parents!)

After school clubs

Please see a reminder below of our clubs provision for this half term.

Clubs Autumn 1st half term 2023


Please make sure that all items of your child’s uniform is labelled with their name. We already have several unlabelled sweatshirts in school, which children have taken off during the day, and we are unsure who they belong to.  Thank you in advance for your support with this.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Johnson x


News from Severn Loop

Dear friends around Severn Loop,

September has arrived, and there is fog here in Bicton! 
The September Loop is attached – it’s quite a full edition, with plenty going on this month and next. Our next Forest Church is on 10th September, 3pm @Shrawardine. Park on the Castle Mound (there will be a sign as you enter the village), and we will then walk down together to a lovely piece of land. There will be crafts and quizzes, some apple-related activities, and we will be unveiling Dolly’s Gate – in memory of a little girl who lived there 270+ years ago, and who is remembered with a rare Maiden’s Heart in our church. To find out more, do come along!
With love and blessings,
Hannah x

Forest Church – Sunday 10th September

Dear Friends,

Just a quick reminder that it is Forest Church on Sunday, 3pm  at Shrawardine! We do hope to see you there. The forecast is hot, but our location has lots of shade, so there will be respite from the sunshine for those who want it. 
Most of us will park at the Castle Mound and then meet at the church ready to walk down the lane to Dolly’s Gate. As you head into Shrawardine (SY4 1AH), there will be a gate on the left with a sign by it – park there, and then it’s a walk across the Millenium Green to reach the church. For those with limited mobility, drive up to the church, and then someone will direct you to a closer option. 
The Plan
After an introduction to the site and opening prayer, we will be free to explore. There will be information about Dolly Newcombe available – she is remembered in the church with a rare Maiden’s Heart (recently restored), and lived at this site in Shrawardine over 270 years ago. There will also be various activities – mostly linked to apples as the apple harvest is upon us! Apple fondue, apple printing, apple spiralizing… Because the site has a lots of different species of trees, there will also be a tree-identification quiz. We’ll have magnifying glasses available for investigating minibeasts, and we’ll also have a teddy hide-and-seek for little ones. 
At around 4pm we will have our brief service, in which we will dedicate the new gate to Dolly’s memory. 
Please do bring some picnic tea and a chair or rug. I’ll make sure we’ve plenty of cold drinks available! 
As ever, caregivers remain responsible for their children at all times, and please be aware that there is some uneven ground and wild areas with nettles etc. On this occasion dogs are not permitted (unless they are guide dogs). 
Hannah x 

Primary to Secondary Transfer 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians of Year 6 Pupils

Your child is due to transfer to secondary school in September 2024.  The online application process opens on the 4 September 2023 and closes on 31 October 2023.  A letter will be sent home this week with your child, outlining the process.  Alternatively, please follow this link – Apply to start or transfer school | Shropshire Council  which takes you to the Shropshire Council Admissions website. 

Applications received by Shropshire Council after the closing date will be classed as late, so please ensure you make your application on-time. Details about secondary school open evenings can be found in the Parents’ Guide to Education in Shropshire booklet, on the same website.

Second-hand clothing and uniform

We have lots of good-quality second-hand uniform in school, in various sizes, which has been donated to school.

We also have a range of children’s clothing including footwear. If your child needs any items of clothing/footwear, please complete this Online form which is completely confidential and will allow you to indicate any items your child needs. The responses are only seen by Mrs Johnson and you will be contacted by the school office if we have the items in school that you require.

Is My Child Too Ill For School?

Please see useful information below about absence due to illness.  Whilst we want all children to have good school attendance, we ask that you follow the guidance below if your child is unwell.